
Every semester over 5 different digital culture concentrations arrive to the Stauffer buildings without a clear idea of what to expect. They sit at tables with people they do not know and often move through their entire time here without truly networking. That is the current state of the digital culture program. Our team seeks to change that dynamic. Our application is the change needed in our program. We will build a prototype application that will function on both mobile platforms seamlessly. Showcase will combine the simplicity of instagram with the complexity of a social network sure as Linkedin. Starting with the digital culture community, all students will have the ability to make profiles with their expertise, interests, and current projects. Each student will have the ability to upload their projects so that all other students can see the work. The best part of Showcase is the ability to communicate with other students. Showcase will make collaboration a breeze allowing students to form teams early in their time in the digital culture track.

Jannelle Jansen - buttons
Janelle Loes -five finished app page designs
Caroline Hutchins - additional web page designs
Donald Meeks - 5 viable sources for pre made database usage, and drawing up profile layouts
Armando Carella -program each page and all the button

Jannelle Jansen     Project Manager
Janelle Renee   Designer
Caroline Hutchins   Content manager
Armando Corella  Programmer
Donald Meeks  Assistant